Results for 'Andrew T. Williams'

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  1.  47
    Taking Values Seriously: Towards a Philosophy of EU Law.Andrew T. Williams - 2009 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 29 (3):549-577.
    This article argues that the existing philosophy of EU law, such as it may be perceived, is flawed. Through a series of propositions it claims that EU law is infected by an underlying indeterminacy of ideal that has deeply affected the appreciation and realization of stated values. These values, the most fundamental of which appear in Article 6(1) of the Treaty of European Union, have been applied in a haphazard fashion and without an understanding of normative content. The European Court (...)
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    Promoting Justice after Lisbon: Groundwork for a New Philosophy of EU Law.Andrew T. Williams - 2010 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 30 (4):663-693.
    The Lisbon Treaty’s ratification is complete. This article makes two related claims, one ethical, the other empirical. First, the EU should now be developed with the aim of making it a (more) just institution; and second, the amendments to the Treaties now introduced provide the constitutional inspiration so that the EU can so develop. In particular, there is a prospect for appropriate standards of justice to be applied in part through a revised philosophy of EU law. The article argues that (...)
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    Effects of stress and anxiety on continuous high-speed color naming.William Z. Davidson, T. G. Andrews & Sherman Ross - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (1):13.
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    Ethics and Pandemics.William F. Sullivan, John Heng, Jason T. Eberl, Gill Goulding, Christine Jamieson & Cory-Andrew Labrecque - 2022 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 22 (2):337-352.
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    An Examination of Parent-Reported Facilitators and Barriers to Organized Physical Activity Engagement for Youth With Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Physical, and Medical Conditions.Nicole V. Papadopoulos, Moira Whelan, Helen Skouteris, Katrina Williams, Jennifer McGinley, Sophy T. F. Shih, Chloe Emonson, Simon A. Moss, Carmel Sivaratnam, Andrew J. O. Whitehouse & Nicole J. Rinehart - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    European and American Philosophers.John Marenbon, Douglas Kellner, Richard D. Parry, Gregory Schufreider, Ralph McInerny, Andrea Nye, R. M. Dancy, Vernon J. Bourke, A. A. Long, James F. Harris, Thomas Oberdan, Paul S. MacDonald, Véronique M. Fóti, F. Rosen, James Dye, Pete A. Y. Gunter, Lisa J. Downing, W. J. Mander, Peter Simons, Maurice Friedman, Robert C. Solomon, Nigel Love, Mary Pickering, Andrew Reck, Simon J. Evnine, Iakovos Vasiliou, John C. Coker, Georges Dicker, James Gouinlock, Paul J. Welty, Gianluigi Oliveri, Jack Zupko, Tom Rockmore, Wayne M. Martin, Ladelle McWhorter, Hans-Johann Glock, Georgia Warnke, John Haldane, Joseph S. Ullian, Steven Rieber, David Ingram, Nick Fotion, George Rainbolt, Thomas Sheehan, Gerald J. Massey, Barbara D. Massey, David E. Cooper, David Gauthier, James M. Humber, J. N. Mohanty, Michael H. Dearmey, Oswald O. Schrag, Ralf Meerbote, George J. Stack, John P. Burgess, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Nicholas Jolley, Adriaan T. Peperzak, E. J. Lowe, William D. Richardson, Stephen Mulhall & C. - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington, A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 109–557.
    Peter Abelard (1079–1142 ce) was the most wide‐ranging philosopher of the twelfth century. He quickly established himself as a leading teacher of logic in and near Paris shortly after 1100. After his affair with Heloise, and his subsequent castration, Abelard became a monk, but he returned to teaching in the Paris schools until 1140, when his work was condemned by a Church Council at Sens. His logical writings were based around discussion of the “Old Logic”: Porphyry's Isagoge, aristotle'S Categories and (...)
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    The Ideal of Equality.Matthew Clayton & Andrew Williams (eds.) - 2000 - Macmillan.
    One of the central debates within contemporary Anglo-American political philosophy concerns how to formulate an egalitarian theory of distributive justice which gives coherent expression to egalitarian convictions and withstands the most powerful anti-egalitarian objections. This book brings together many of the key contributions to that debate by some of the world’s leading political philosophers: Richard Arneson, G.A. Cohen, Ronald Dworkin, Thomas Nagel, Derek Parfit, John Rawls, T.M. Scanlon, and Larry Temkin.
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    William Andereck, MD, is Chair of the Ethics Committees at California Pacific Medical Center and the Pacific Fertility Center, San Francisco, California. Lori B. Andrews, JD, is Professor of Law at Chicago-Kent College of Law and Senior Scholar at the Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago, Illinois. [REVIEW]Kenneth M. Boyd, Robert V. Brody, David A. Buehler, Daniel Callahan, Kevin T. FitzGerald, Elizabeth Graham, John Harris, Steve Heilig & Søren Holm - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7:117-118.
  9.  24
    Faulkner's Novels Past and Present.Andrew J. McKenna - 2022 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 29 (1):39-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Faulkner's Novels Past and PresentAndrew J. McKenna (bio)This article contains instances of the N-word. The Editor, Michigan State University Press, and Michigan State University do not condone the use of this word and only after careful consideration have we reprinted it. In this case, the word appears in the context of works by Faulkner.When I first came East I kept thinking You've got to remember to think of some (...)
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    Karanis Revealed: Discovering the Past and Present of a Michigan Excavation in Egypt. Edited by T. G. Wilfong and Andrew W. S. Ferrara. [REVIEW]William H. Peck - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (2).
    Karanis Revealed: Discovering the Past and Present of a Michigan Excavation in Egypt. Edited by T. G. Wilfong and Andrew W. S. Ferrara. Kelsey Museum Publication, no. 7. Ann Arbor: Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, 2014. Pp. viii + 192, illus. $24.95.
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    Utilitarianism in the Early American Republic by James E. Crimmins (review).Andrew Gustafson - 2024 - The Pluralist 19 (2):106-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Utilitarianism in the Early American Republic by James E. CrimminsAndrew GustafsonUtilitarianism in the Early American Republic James E. Crimmins. Routledge, 2022.There are many important influences on American Pragmatism, but one which is frequently overlooked is the influence of Utilitarianism, both on American thought in general, and American Pragmatism in particular. It is difficult to imagine anyone better to write this book than James Crimmins. As a leading Bentham (...)
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    The five questions.William Tait - 2007 - In V. F. Hendricks & Hannes Leitgeb, Philosophy of Mathematics: Five Questions. Automatic Press/VIP.
    1. A Road to Philosophy of Mathematics l became interested in philosophy and mathematics at more or less the same time, rather late in high school; and my interest in the former certainly influenced my attitude towards the latter, leading me to ask what mathematics is really about at a fairly early stage. I don ’t really remember how it was that I got interested in either subject. A very good math teacher came to my school when I was in (...)
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  13. CASTANEDA, Hector-Neri (1924–1991).William J. Rapaport - 2005 - In John R. Shook, The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960. Thoemmes Press.
    H´ector-Neri Casta˜neda-Calder´on (December 13, 1924–September 7, 1991) was born in San Vicente Zacapa, Guatemala. He attended the Normal School for Boys in Guatemala City, later called the Military Normal School for Boys, from which he was expelled for refusing to fight a bully; the dramatic story, worthy of being filmed, is told in the “De Re” section of his autobiography, “Self-Profile” (1986). He then attended a normal school in Costa Rica, followed by studies in philosophy at the University of San (...)
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    Neo-Environmental Determinism: Geographical Critiques.William B. Meyer - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan. Edited by Dylan M. T. Guss.
    This book provides a unique, cogent, engaging account of environmental determinism that has long been much needed in the classroom and beyond." -- Andrew Sluyter, Associate Professor, Louisiana State University, USA This book pulls together major critiques of contemporary attempts to explain nature-society relations in an environmentally deterministic way. After defining key terms, it reviews the history of environmental determinism's rise and fall within geography in the early twentieth century. It discusses the key reasons for the doctrine's rejection and (...)
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    Amoebae as Exemplary Cells: The Protean Nature of an Elementary Organism. [REVIEW]Andrew Reynolds - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (2):307 - 337.
    In the nineteenth century protozoology and early cell biology intersected through the nexus of Darwin's theory of evolution. As single-celled organisms, amoebae offered an attractive focus of study for researchers seeking evolutionary relationships between the cells of humans and other animals, and their primitive appearance made them a favourite model for the ancient ancestor of all living things. Their resemblance to human and other metazoan cells made them popular objects of study among morphologists, physiologists, and even those investigating animal behaviour. (...)
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  16. The ethics and economics of the minimum wage.T. M. Wilkinson - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (2):351-374.
    This paper develops a normative evaluation of the minimum wage in the light of recent evidence and theory about its effects. It argues that the minimum wage should be evaluated using a consequentialist criterion that gives priority to the jobs and incomes of the worst off. This criterion would be accepted by many different types of consequentialism, especially given the two major views about what the minimum wage does. One is that the minimum wage harms the jobs and incomes of (...)
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    The romantic life: five strategies to re-enchant the world.D. Andrew Yost - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers. Edited by Elijah Clayton Null.
    The world is disenchanted. Rationalization, intellectualization, and scientism rule the day. We used to see the world as a magical place, but now it's just a material space. How did we get here? The shift comes in part from the rise of a certain kind of secularism, one that reduces human experiences to whatever is explainable through observation. Love? It's just a biological drive. Joy, a rush of adrenaline. Beauty, an influx of dopamine. If you can't test it, it isn't (...)
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    Technology and cultural values: on the edge of the third millennium.Peter D. Hershock, M. T. Stepanëiìanëtìs & Roger T. Ames (eds.) - 2003 - Honolulu: East-West Philosophers Conference.
    Recent history makes clear that the quantum leaps being made in technology are the leading edge of a groundswell of paradigm shifts taking place in science, politics, economics, social institutions, and the expression of cultural values. Indeed it is the simultaneity and interdependence of these changes occurring in every dimension of human experience and endeavor that makes the present so historically distinctive. The essays gathered here give voice to perspectives on the always improvised relationship between technology and cultural values from (...)
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    When Roving Bandits Settle Down: Club Theory and the Emergence of Government.Andrew T. Young - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 853-881.
    How does a government arise from anarchy? In a classic article, Mancur Olson theorized that it could occur when a roving bandit decides to settle down. This stationary bandit comes to recognize an encompassing interest in its territory, improving its lot by providing governing and committing to stable rates of theft. The bandits highlighted by Olson are not individuals but rather groups organized to act collectively. I provide a club-theoretic analysis of bandits. I characterize the violence as a club good, (...)
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  20. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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  21.  11
    Between Being and Time: From Ontology to Eschatology.Andrew T. J. Kaethler & Sotiris Mitralexis (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham: Fortress Academic.
    This book explores the relationship between being and time —between ontology and history— in the context of both Christian theology and philosophical inquiry. Each chapter tests the limits of this thematic vis-à-vis a variety of sources — ancient, modern and contemporary.
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    Expectations and the Limits of Legal Validity.Andrew T. Forcehimes - 2015 - Utilitas 27 (3):263-278.
    Drawing on the work of Jeremy Bentham, we can forward a parity thesis concerning formal and substantive legal invalidity. Formal and substantive invalidity are, according to this thesis, traceable to the same source, namely, the sovereign's inability to adjust expectations to motivate obedience. The parity thesis, if defensible, has great appeal for positivists. Explaining why contradictory or contrary mandates yield invalidity is unproblematic. But providing an account of content-based invalidity invites the collapse of the separation between what the law is (...)
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  23.  10
    The Decarceration of the Mentally Ill: A Critical View.Andrew T. Scull - 1976 - Politics and Society 6 (2):173-212.
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    Luck Libertarianism? A Critique of Tan’s Institutional View.Andrew T. Forcehimes & Robert B. Talisse - 2015 - Southwest Philosophy Review 31 (1):187-196.
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    Refusal of Representation in Advance Care Planning: A Case‐Inspired Ethical Analysis.Andrew T. Peters & Joshua M. Hauser - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (2):3-8.
    Unrepresented patients—people without capacity to make medical decisions who also lack a surrogate decision‐maker—form a large and vulnerable population within the United States health care system. The burden of unrepresentedness has rightly prompted widespread calls for more and better advance care planning, in which still‐healthy patients are encouraged to designate a surrogate decision‐maker and thus avoid the risk of becoming unrepresented. However, we observe that some patients, even with available social contacts and access to adequate advance care planning services, simply (...)
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  26.  39
    Leviathans Restrained: International Politics for Artificial Persons.Andrew T. Forcehimes - 2015 - Hobbes Studies 28 (2):149-174.
    This essay challenges the analogy argument. The analogy argument aims to show that the international domain satisfies the conditions of a Hobbesian state of nature: There fails to be a super-sovereign to keep all in awe, and hence, like persons in the state of nature, sovereigns are in a war every sovereign against every sovereign. By turning to Hobbes’ account of authorization, however, we see that subjects are under no obligation to obey a sovereign’s commands when doing so would contradict (...)
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  27.  45
    Breathing Deeply, with One Lung: The Problem of Latin Church Dominance within the Catholic Church.Andrew T. Kania - 2004 - The Australasian Catholic Record 81 (2):198.
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    The light that shone in darkness: Andrii Sheptyts' kyi and the Jewish Holocaust.Andrew T. Kania - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (3):299.
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    De Aventure: Matter, Causal Violence, and the Event Worthy of Its Name.Andrew T. Lazella - 2014 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2):373-394.
    That the category of violent causation has passed from the register of “useful” scientific categories is without question. And yet, in a time of ecological crisis, this conceptual atavism reflects not some idyllic pre-modern past, but the present ubiquity of causal violence. Tracing a course through medieval Aristotelianism will show not only that violence cannot be reduced to artificial production, but also that its operation remains phantasmatic insofar as it seeks to exclude the very condition upon which it is founded: (...)
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  30. A Theory of Assessability for Reasonableness.Andrew T. Forcehimes - 2025 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):1-37.
    This essay defends an account of what things are assessable for reasonableness and why. On this account, something is assessable for reasonableness if and only if and because it is the functional effect of critical reasoning.
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  31. Non-Compliance Shouldn't Be Better.Andrew T. Forcehimes & Luke Semrau - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (1):46-56.
    Agent-relative consequentialism is thought attractive because it can secure agent-centred constraints while retaining consequentialism's compelling idea—the idea that it is always permissible to bring about the best available outcome. We argue, however, that the commitments of agent-relative consequentialism lead it to run afoul of a plausibility requirement on moral theories. A moral theory must not be such that, in any possible circumstance, were every agent to act impermissibly, each would have more reason to prefer the world thereby actualized over the (...)
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  32. Belief and the Error Theory.Andrew T. Forcehimes & Robert B. Talisse - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (4):849-856.
    A new kind of debate about the normative error theory has emerged. Whereas longstanding debates have fixed on the error theory’s plausibility, this new debate concerns the theory’s believability. Bart Streumer is the chief proponent of the error theory’s unbelievability. In this brief essay, we argue that Streumer’s argument prevails against extant critiques, and then press a criticism of our own.
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  33. A Dilemma for Non‐Analytic Naturalism.Andrew T. Forcehimes - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (2):228-247.
    In recent years, an impressive research program has developed around non-analytic reductions of the normative. Nevertheless, non-analytic naturalists face a damning dilemma: either they need to give the same reductive analysis for epistemic and practical reasons, or they can give a different analyses by treating epistemic and practical reasons as a species of the larger genus, reasonhood. Since, for example, a desire-based account of epistemic reasons is implausible, the reductionist must opt for the latter. Yet, if the desire-based account of (...)
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  34. Are There Distinctively Moral Reasons?Andrew T. Forcehimes & Luke Semrau - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (3):699-717.
    A dogma of contemporary normative theorizing holds that some reasons are distinctively moral while others are not. Call this view Reasons Pluralism. This essay looks at four approaches to vindicating the apparent distinction between moral and non-moral reasons. In the end, however, all are found wanting. Though not dispositive, the failure of these approaches supplies strong evidence that the dogma of Reasons Pluralism is ill-founded.
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  35. Bringing physics to bear on the phenomenon of life: the divergent positions of Bohr, Delbrück, and Schrödinger.Andrew T. Domondon - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (3):433-458.
    The received view on the contributions of the physics community to the birth of molecular biology tends to present the physics community as sharing a basic level consensus on how physics should be brought to bear on biology. I argue, however, that a close examination of the views of three leading physicists involved in the birth of molecular biology, Bohr, Delbrück, and Schrödinger, suggests that there existed fundamental disagreements on how physics should be employed to solve problems in biology even (...)
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    Cross-situational learning in a Zipfian environment.Andrew T. Hendrickson & Amy Perfors - 2019 - Cognition 189 (C):11-22.
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    Time series analysis for psychological research: examining and forecasting change.Andrew T. Jebb, Louis Tay, Wei Wang & Qiming Huang - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  38. Clarifying Cohen: A Response to Jubb and Hall.Andrew T. Forcehimes & Robert B. Talisse - 2013 - Res Publica 19 (4):371-379.
    In this brief essay, we clarify Cohen’s ‘Facts and Principles’ argument, and then argue that the objections posed by two recent critiques of Cohen—Robert Jubb (Res Publica 15:337–353, 2009) and Edward Hall (Res Publica 19:173–181, 2013)—look especially vulnerable to the charge of being self-defeating. It may still be that Cohen’s view concerning facts and principles is false. Our aim here is merely to show that two recent attempts to demonstrate its falsity are unlikely to succeed.
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    The Singular Voice of Being: John Duns Scotus and Ultimate Difference.Andrew T. LaZella - 2019 - New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
    Reconsiders John Duns Scotus's theory of the univocity of being in connection to his conception of ultimate difference. Develops a systematic account of ultimate difference from disparate discussions throughout his corpus.
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    Attitudinal strength as distance to withholding.Andrew T. Forcehimes - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (3):963-981.
    How should we understand the relationship between binary belief and degree of belief? To answer this question, we should look to desire. Whatever relationship we think holds between desire and degree of desire should be used as our model for the relationship we think holds between belief and degree of belief. This parity pushes us towards an account that treats the binary attitudes as primary. But if we take binary beliefs as primary, we seem to face a serious problem. Binary (...)
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    Editors’ Note.Andrew T. J. Kaethler & Marcin Podbielski - 2016 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 21 (1):5-9.
    In the Summer of 2015 Sotiris Mitralexis and Andrew T. J. Kaethler organized a conference held in Delphi, Greece, titled “Ontology and History: A Challenging and Auspicious Dialogue for Philosophy and Theology.” The conference brought together over sixty scholars from various parts of the globe, representing Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism—truly an ecumenical affair. The topic of the conference, which is well represented in this volume of Forum Philosophicum, was purposefully broad because it is a question that remains open and (...)
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  42. Is categorical perception really verbally mediated perception?Andrew T. Hendrickson, George Kachergis, Todd M. Gureckis & Robert L. Goldstone - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Ecology, Ethics and Hope.Andrew T. Brei (ed.) - 2015 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This volume brings together essays written at the cutting edge of an emerging sub-field of environmental philosophy, relating to the nature and role of hope.
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    The great refusal: Herbert Marcuse and contemporary social movements.Andrew T. Lamas (ed.) - 2017 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    Herbert Marcuse examined the subjective and material conditions of radical social change and developed the "Great Refusal," a radical concept of "the protest against that which is." The editors and contributors to the exciting new volume The Great Refusal provide an analysis of contemporary social movements around the world with particular reference to Marcuse's revolutionary concept. The book also engages-and puts Marcuse in critical dialogue with-major theorists including Slavoj Žižek and Michel Foucault, among others. The chapters in this book analyze (...)
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    Rights & Nature: Approaching Environmental Issues by Way of Human Rights.Andrew T. Brei - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (2):393-408.
    Due to the significant and often careless human impact on the natural environment, there are serious problems facing the people of today and of future generations. To date, ethical, aesthetic, religious, and economic arguments for the conservation and protection of the natural environment have made relatively little headway. Another approach, one capable of garnering attention and motivating action, would be welcome. There is another approach, one that I will call a rights approach. Speaking generally, this approach is an attempt to (...)
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  46. The Difference We Make.Andrew T. Forcehimes & Luke Semrau - 2015 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 9 (2):1-7.
    Felix Pinkert has proposed a solution to the no-difference problem for AC. He argues that AC should be supplemented with a requirement that agents’ optimal acts be modally robust. We disagree.
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  47. Download this Essay: A Defence of Stealing ebooks.Andrew T. Forcehimes - 2013 - Think 12 (34):109-115.
    In this essay, I argue, on the one hand, if we think egalitarian considerations justify libraries, we should think that these same egalitarian considerations justify stealing books online. If, on the other hand, we think that economic incentives justify a prohibition against stealing books online, we should think those same economic considerations justify a prohibition against libraries.
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    Actualism Doesn’t Have Control Issues: A Reply to Cohen and Timmerman.Andrew T. Forcehimes & Luke Semrau - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (1):271-277.
    Recently, Cohen and Timmerman, 1–18, 2016) argue that actualism has control issues. The view should be rejected, they claim, as it recognizes a morally irrelevant distinction between counterfactuals over which agents exercise the same kind of control. Here we reply on behalf of actualism.
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    Zeami and the transition of the concept of yūgen: A note on japanese aesthetics.Andrew T. Tsubaki - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30 (1):55-67.
  50. The Essential Marcuse: Selected Writings of Philosopher and Social Critic Herbert Marcuse.Herbert Marcuse, Andrew Feenberg & William Leiss - 2008 - Human Studies 31 (2):233-239.
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